1989 – Own business, Lindok HB
1989 –Translation and writing services
Translation from English, Danish and Norweigan to Swedish, primarily of documentation for the automotive industry and heavy equipment, but also computer software, manuals for various other types of equipment, and marketing texts. I use CAT tools, primarily Trados. Writing and editing of course materials, mainly for Microsoft products (Windows, Office), but also on general computer knowledge, database management and computer security. Writing of articles on Microsoft Office, database management and programming for an online magazine.
1988–2003 IT industry
Customer support for sales support system, telephone support for users, troubleshooting, maintenance of clients’ server installations. Further development of the system, programming, development of help systems and a user manual, in charge of translating the system to Danish, Finnish and English.
Project manager for the development of a new records management system in object-oriented technology. Data modelling, system development, design, programming in Smalltalk. User training of several user groups at throughout Sweden. Development of help systems and user manuals. Second-line support for the application.
Account manager for a public information query system. The system had hundreds of external users. Project manager for the development of the system, including a charge system and an authorisation system.
Account manager for records-management systems for several universities and other public organizations. Project manager for development and installation, user training, project meetings, further development, support.
Product manager for the Minisis database and information management system.
1970–1988 AB Sandvik Steel
1975–1988, Company library
In charge of the internal archives of research reports from the R&D centre. Tasks included indexing and searching for data, and computerising the archives. Purchasing and cataloguing literature. Subscriptions and organising periodicals. Posting purchases, budget documents and statistics. Programming systems for cataloguing periodicals, managing addresses, circulating periodicals etc. Performing computer-based information searches in external reference databases. Managing the project for purchasing and implementing an integrated library system. Heading the operations and further development of the system and providing user training.
2000 Java for C++ programmers
1997–1998 Docendo’s technical writing course
1997 The Trip database system
1996 Smalltalk programming
1996 Role modelling, the OOram method
1995 Novell 3.12 basic course
1994 Lotus Notes application development
1985 The Minisis library system
1976–1988 Several librarian courses, and courses in computer-based information searches
1973 Computer technician course, Skandinaviska skolan